Oil on Canvas Panel
Thrown into a geologic mode,
I pass the cottonwoods along the creek,
fast-rotting strata of million coming years;
then past volcanos of a youthful planet
com to mind, and folded layers
of a toney almanac laid down in grays
and quartzite worn to sand, and ash
pressed around small bits of dinosaur,
banana trees, the limestone remnants
of a bygone lake too broad and deep
to try to fathom there—and, then,
a billion passages of wispy clouds
whose molecules have circulated
through both emperors and kings,
and peasants, Popes and brash
Neanderthals with suckling babes—
as local, painted fences peel away
like flashing seconds on a clock
gone wild, midst angels wistfully
descending, flashing warmish memories
of bless and hope, reminding me
of thought itself– all human thought—
where God returns, as god has always done,
persistently eliciting a well0-worn passion
at my core for tranquil something
searching for a home beyond all this.
—Dennis Smith