

KNIGHT 10 feet tallEdition of 9Price: $125,000 This massive knight stands watch over his land.  He stands at arms, neither aggressive nor passive, but ready to defend the liberty of his people.  His build is strong and focused, ready to inspire those he protects. This...
Flight Lessons

Flight Lessons

FLIGHT LESSONS Dimensions H 22″ x W 12″ x D 20″Edition of 30Price: $6,500 A loving grandfather holds tight to his granddaughter. With his free arm he lifts his plane to the sky while explaining some of his knowledge of flight. His eager granddaughter...
Ready to Dance

Ready to Dance

READY TO DANCE Dimensions H 47″ x W 45″ x D 16″Edition of 30    Price: $15,000 She stands excited and ready for the number to begin. She’s ready to show off what she has been carefully practicing for weeks. The joy of dance is something that makes us...


ACE Dimensions H 47″ x W 45″ x D 16″Edition of 30    Price: $14,500 There is much joy to be found in sports. As our skills increase so does our enjoyment. Tennis is a game of great skill and physical stamina. This boy has started his first steps...
Arctic Passage

Arctic Passage

ARTIC PASSAGE Dimensions H 16″ x W 13″ x D 9″Edition of 50    Price: $6,500 This piece speaks of subtle communication. It contrasts the belugas’ soft voluminous forms to the jagged rocks they pass by; suggesting how remarkable it is that they thrive...